Toppik Hair Building Fibers Review

An ingenious solution to an age-old problem

What are Toppik Hair Fibers?

A Bottle of Toppik Hair Building Fibers

Toppik Hair Rebuilding Fibers are an electrostatically charged hair augmentation product designed to add volume to thinning hair. It is analogous to hair extensions for women.

Do Toppik Hair Fibers Work!?

First, you must match your hair to the right fiber color which may be difficult to do online. Once matched the, Toppik fibers are sprinkled onto the head and the static charge causes the fibers to stick to your existing hair, making it look more volumous. It works instantly, and are surprisingly durable for being only held on my static electricity.

Are Toppik Hair Fibers Safe?

Yes, Toppik fibers are applied externally and are easily removed by showering. They are attached using static elecctricity.

Overall Rating:


Toppik is a good instant hair-loss solution that does not look too obvious. It is easy to use and lasts. The only issue is that it may be difficult to find your exact color. Moreover, Toppik does not treat the underlying causes of hair loss. It does not bloick DHT or increase circulation to the hair follicles. It is only a temporary fix.

To fix the "root" of the problem you would need a supplement and/or a topical product.

Toppik is available at: