The Berkeley Research Institute Guide to Hair Loss
Everything you need to know in one spot
From the cause of hair loss to how to treat it, everything you need to know is here. It doesn't matter if you're trying to look good for a hot date the next day or stopping your balding before it starts, we have everything you need to know.
We've reviewed an array of products, from daily supplements to foams and gels, and even the weird gimmicks out there to help you make an informed decision.
Why does Hair Loss Happen?
Old age, nutrient deficiency, and most of all DHT
As we grow older, some of us start to lose our hair. Some see this as a sign of maturity and wisdom, for many it's a touchy subject.
But what actually causes hair loss? Old age? Lack of nutrients? Stressful jobs and marriages? All are factors but the two main cause is hormonal imbalance, especially the presence of excess DHT.
Which Products will Work on your Thinning Hair?
We tested and reviewed the most popular ones. See the shocking results!

The common causes of hair loss are nutrient deficiency and the rogue hormone DHT. The best way to treat hair loss would be to supply the hair follicles with enough nutrients to grow hair and to block DHT from getting to the hair follicle. Watch out though, not all supplements are equal and there are other gimmicks out there.
Some actually work, like the DHT-blocking supplement Hairomega or Nioxin. However, there are ones that are downright questionable. Rogaine (Minoxidil) is one of these. It addresses the cause of hair loss in the wrong way and initially causes even cause more hair loss!